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Saturday, June 30, 2007

I know I said I am on hiatus... But I couldn't resist posting this picture up!

Gone before [8:55 PM] ;I'll see you another time

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

it's HIATUS SEASON NOW!! so said wanwei!
I won't be able to finish making my new layout yet... So I have to wait until exams finish. THEN only can I make my layout... Well, anyways... I have to STUDY REALLY HARD!!!<--stress! If I wanna pass PMB!

->Kim Jae Joong<-

HIATUS starting........................................................... NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gone before [11:21 PM] ;I'll see you another time

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

1.) List Four fandoms you have.
what's FANDOM???

2.) Have you ever slept in the back of a car?
Not if you mean the trunk...So no.

3.) Have you recently dyed your hair/cut it?
um..never dyed cos not allowed...

4.) List four people that you look up to the most.
looked up to??? umm... nobody particular...

5.) How many pets do you own as of now?
Family pets or mine alone? none! I hve 4 DOGS and some GUPPIES.

6.) Which do you prefer white or black?
I :heart: BOTH!!!

7.) Who is your most played character?
What do you mean? O.o

8.) Choose one or the other, not both:
-Being stuck on an island with your best friend
-Being stuck on an island with 5 acquaintances

Um... Does being stuck on an island with manga, anime, my computer with internet connection(WIRELESS!!) counts?

9.) Name three aspects that tell who you are.
What ARE aspects?(dumb)

10.) If you could have a power what would it be?
I would like to have the power of... DRAWING?? O.o

11.) Who was the last person you talked to?

12.) Who was the last person you said "I love you" to?

13.) Write down the first five words (er, things) that pop into your head:

14.) What's one thing you wish you could do better?
Draw like a pro!

15.) Do you like the way you are?
I do like how I am now...(not that I'm being vain...) only thing is my height! Wish I could be TALLER!

16.) Choose, Summer or Winter:
Why not have AUTUMN like what wwei said?!?

17.) Choose, Rain or snow:
Rain?<-the korean singer(?!?)

18.) Water or ice?
Water coz it's VEEERRYY PWETTY!

19.) List two odd things about yourself:
What ODD things?!!??!
1.Ok, ok, i talk to myself, sometimes...

20.) Now list 6 people who should do this:
Why SIX?!?!?

Phew, finally done. (YESS!!)

Well.. this was a quiz that I & my sis took from deviantart.com. Hope you enjoy it!

Gone before [10:54 PM] ;I'll see you another time

Friday, June 22, 2007

死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死死 WEI-WEI!!!! JUST KIDDING...

Gone before [12:04 AM] ;I'll see you another time

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My new layout's picture is soooo weird..?? It's wwei's fav thing.... DIAMONDS!!! LOL! Anyway... just posting for fun cos' I've not benn posting anything for quite some time... YESSSS!!! Extra class ENDS TODAY!!!! Then it's 3 days of hols... ONLY 3 DAYS!!!! *Sobs* I DEMAND A LONGER HOLIDAY!!!! Anyways... I've got to go.. Haven't get ready for extra class yet... End. Here's my new layout picture!

Gone before [5:28 PM] ;I'll see you another time

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Hello... It's been SUCH a LOOOONGGG time since I've posted anything on my blog. I came back from camp(YDM). I only went to camp for 3 days because I got sick... Then when I came back, I went to watch Music Station... During camp was QUITE fun though... The only problem was after I came back my whole body hurts... cos' I was being carried as I was the "lame" person...(btw I'm talking about a game we played in camp) Oh! From the left is Wentz Eiji and Teppei Koike from WaT(they're Japanese singers) They're SO CUTE! I AM SO BORED!! HOLADYS ARE COMING TO AN END!!! AND IT WASN'T MUCH OF A HOLIDAY FOR ME COS I HAD TO GO FOR EXTRA CLASSES!! Anyways... the end!

Gone before [11:43 PM] ;I'll see you another time

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

FINALLY!!! EXAMS FINISHED!!! =D I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!! The holidays are coming soon! Only thing is... I have extra classes during hols and I'm also going to YDM camp. I've never been camping before especially in school... Also my sister DRAGGED (practically) LoL... What else should I post? Hmm.. the exam papers were sort of HARD...wait... ALL OF THE PAPERS WERE HARD!!!!!!! T.T I've gotten some papers back. They WERE sucky..ok ok NOT ALL of it though...

Gone before [10:55 PM] ;I'll see you another time